“The Sky is the Limit”
Posted on August 28, 2023
Canadian Blind Hockey
in Camp, Impact Stories
We wanted to share quotes from a great article from the CBC, which speaks to the importance of our #BlindHockey development camps. Canadian Blind Hockey executive director Matt Morrow says “Any time we host an event like this, it has the effect of growing the para sport of blind hockey,” said Morrow, adding there are…
Nik Bullick’s 1rst Summer Development Camp Experience
Posted on August 28, 2023
Canadian Blind Hockey
in Camp, Impact Stories
“I haven’t had opportunities like this to improve in any sport, throughout my life really. This camp has had really great coaching, and overall a really great experience. As a blind hockey player, this shows me the trend in which the game is going, it’s getting bigger and for this to be as big of…
Paralympic Athlete Blind Hipster Dave Laces Up
Posted on August 28, 2023
Digital Ngenuity
in Camp, Impact Stories
Team Canada track & paralympic athlete David Johnson aka Blindhipsterdave got back on the ice today and chatted with us about his #BlindHockey history: “I started playing hockey when I was a kid at around 8 years old and I loved playing hockey I played all the time and my vision deteriorated and got worse. I started to play…
“The Sky is the Limit”
Posted on August 28, 2023
Canadian Blind Hockey
in Camp, Impact Stories
We wanted to share quotes from a great article from the CBC, which speaks to the importance of our #BlindHockey development camps. Canadian Blind Hockey executive director Matt Morrow says “Any time we host an event like this, it has the effect of growing the para sport of blind hockey,” said Morrow, adding there are…
Nik Bullick’s 1rst Summer Development Camp Experience
Posted on August 28, 2023
Canadian Blind Hockey
in Camp, Impact Stories
“I haven’t had opportunities like this to improve in any sport, throughout my life really. This camp has had really great coaching, and overall a really great experience. As a blind hockey player, this shows me the trend in which the game is going, it’s getting bigger and for this to be as big of…
Paralympic Athlete Blind Hipster Dave Laces Up
Posted on August 28, 2023
Digital Ngenuity
in Camp, Impact Stories
Team Canada track & paralympic athlete David Johnson aka Blindhipsterdave got back on the ice today and chatted with us about his #BlindHockey history: “I started playing hockey when I was a kid at around 8 years old and I loved playing hockey I played all the time and my vision deteriorated and got worse. I started to play…